Serial cup 2018 - info for pilots

At the moment it looks we have some decent chances to do first task on Friday. For the weekend there will be some raining and chances for the tasks are really small. Clear sky is coming back on Monday, hopefully also the wind will be ok and we will have some nice flying days in the second part of the competition.  

According to the current weather forecast we will start with the competition as planned with first task on Friday. For first task on Friday we will maybe use Lijak take off instead of Kobala. 

Registration will be open on Thursday evening (18.00 - 21.00) and Friday morning. First task is planned to be on Friday. Mandatory safety briefing will be at the take off before the first task. 

In case that weather forecast tomorrow shows as no chances for race on Friday, we may start with the comp after rain on Monday and run the competition until Thursday as planned.  Final confirmation tomorrow.

Top pilots and lectures: As usual we have invited to the event some top pilots, who will be presented at the event for some days and prepare the lecture for you. This year we have at the event Primož Suša (Slovenia), Jošt Napret (Slovenia), Nicole Fedele (Italy).

We will use new scoring formula for the competition: Time scoring. Instead of the points your daily and overall results will be shown as time, early bird points are delivered at the turnpoints. One example of the daily task scored with this system is in attachment.

 We have again support for the event from Naviter and Nova.

Please make sure that you have all the documents we need in order to compete.
According to slovenian regulation each participant needs to have;
- IPPI LEVEL 5! - if you dont have it contact us now!

Proof of airworthiness of your glider you need to send me before the first task by e-mail. You can send photo of your glider sticker or document from technical check. 

Pilots without sending proof of airworthiness before task 1 won't be scored for competition and WPRS. Also if you are flying the glider without proof of airworthiness you can receive fine from inspector and you are not injured for the activity.   

We are hoping that you will get nice, successful and safe competition!

See you,