Serial Cup '20 winners

Since education for successful and safe competition flying is the main goal of the Serial Cup events, everybody is a winner in the extent of experience they gained from the Serial Cup '20. And after all - the greatest success of the competition is safety; we are most glad that competition ended with no injured pilots.

In 4 intense competition tasks there were enough opportunities for the best serial wings pilots to prove themselves:

  • 1. Rok Lotrič
  • 2. Lorant Falucskai
  • 3. Kuba Sto
  • 1. Katalin Juhasz
  • 2. Joanna Kocot
  • 3. Magdalena Janaway
  • 1. Rok Lotrič
  • 2. Peter Kocjan
  • 3. Abel Varga
  • 1. Farkas László
  • 2. Artur Frankowski
  • 3. Magdalena Janaway
  • 1. SYP team
  • 2. Flow Hungary
  • 3. Samba team

Results page